

Aspiring voice talents and voiceover veterans will find advice, training, and other
useful info and links here. If you have a suggestion for adding more resources to
this part of the site, please send an
e-mail with your recommendation.
Voice Talent Resources
Here you'll find useful information and links related to voice acting.
Getting started in the voiceover business
- If you're wondering what it takes to start from scratch in voiceover, including
coaches, training, marketing, agents, and some pitfalls to avoid, this is the place.
Training - There's more to voiceover than
just a great voice. A voice talent is an actor. Find out here about initial and
ongoing training for voice actors.
Recording Studios - Here you'll find
a list of Tucson, Arizona-based recording studios that have phone-patch and/or ISDN
Books & Software - Ken Gregg's recommended
list of useful books and software for voice talents.
Useful Links

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| resume |
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