

If you have a suggestion for adding more resources to this part of the site, please
send an e-mail with your recommendation.
Ken Gregg's Character Voice Course
Finding the Voices in Your Head and Making Them Pay - I developed and teach
this course to help you find character voices you never knew you had. If you're
a voiceover veteran, a voiceover beginner, an actor who wants to increase your versatility,
or someone who just wants to explore the world of character voices, this course
will help you discover and develop new character voices within you. I've even had
students in the corporate world who want to enhance their presentation skills by
injecting interesting character voices into their stories.
In this course, I teach the tools and techniques to help uncover your hidden character
voices, and turn them into marketable skills for voiceover, stage, story-telling,
etc. Through a series of fun and productive exercises, you'll find out how to create
your own collection of fully-developed characters. During this four-week course,
you’ll apply the exercises both in class and at home, together we'll select specific
characters for you to develop, and you'll start creating your valuable “stable”
of character voices. Discover how even horrible impressions can become great character
voices, and how activities such as walking around the room, ripping up magazines,
or watching TV can all help you find amazing characters and sounds you never thought
you could do.
If you've attended one of Ken's workshops or courses, you already have an idea of
how much fun you'll have and how much valuable information you'll receive. If you
haven't attended, you'll quickly discover how fun, productive, and freeing your
character voice journey can be. Be prepared to learn a lot and laugh a lot in a
safe, supportive environment. After taking this course, one student wrote, "Just
a note to thank you for the delightful voiceover classes. It is always so fulfilling
to finally do something one has always wanted to try. It is especially gratifying
to have a teacher who is so patient and understanding - and funny!...thank you for
all you have done and the care you have taken."
The class is typically offered in the Tucson area. The cost is $35 per week, paid
each night as you come (total of $140), or $130 if paid in advance in full on the
first night of class. (Although there is no contract for the course, if you sign
up for the four weeks, you're expected to pay for all four weeks even if miss a
class. If you have any questions about these policies, please ask before committing
to take the course.) I occasionally teach one-day accelerated versions of this course
as a SAG-AFTRA workshop, either in the Tucson or Phoenix areas.
If you'd like to be put on the e-mail list to receive information about the next
offering of this course, or if you have any questions about it, please send an e-mail
to findingvoices@voice-talent.com.
Professional Acting Courses
The Studio for Actors
in Tucson, AZ - Acting coach Anna Risley has been successfully training
actors for over 20 years. Her customized
voiceover training course got me started in the business. As a voice actor
and former cast-member of Saturday Night Live, Ms. Risley also teaches
comedy improv, which is immensely helpful in improving voice acting skills...it
helps develop comedic timing, imparts a range of comedic dialects, and gets you
feeling comfortable with making a fool of yourself. She teaches many other related
courses, including diction, accent reduction, and character study. All highly recommended.

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